Good evening, With reference to the memo sent out on 8th September, concerning the loss of the Hanbury field and the future direction of the club, we are indebted to the 22 people who took the trouble to reply, mostly giving comprehensive details of their thoughts on the subject. Many asked for an EGM. Your committee haveContinue reading “Extraordinary General Meeting”
Category Archives: Hanbury
Request for Member’s Feedback
Hanbury Closures
We have been made aware of some closures to Hanbury on the following dates for shooting: November 26th December 10th and 28th January 7th Please do not attend the field on these dates! Launching tomorrow is the AGM Hub and the ability to nominate yourself to be on the committee for 2023! Please do remember to visit theContinue reading “Hanbury Closures”
Updates for Royal Funeral & Mourning
Hi everyone, We are just issuing an update regarding flying during national mourning. Now we know the date of the Queen’s funeral, we will be respecting our landlord’s and neighbour’s request for privacy and peace. Therefore, the flying sites will be closed and a one day restriction of no flying will be in place forContinue reading “Updates for Royal Funeral & Mourning”
Flying during National Mourning
Good Evening, As you will all have all heard, Queen Elizabeth II sadly passed away yesterday afternoon and the country is now in a state of national mourning. To ensure our neighbours and landlords can mourn in peace, we are stipulating that quiet electric models only are flown at both of our fields until furtherContinue reading “Flying during National Mourning”
Club Booking System for Flying
During the pandemic it was necessary to have a mandatory booking system to comply with the law. This system has been improved by Sam, over time, and has become a very useful tool. A number of members asked for the system to be continued even after this ceased to be a legal requirement. We areContinue reading “Club Booking System for Flying”
Renewing, field unavailabilty and items for sale
Good morning, Renewals so far have been really good, and great to see the vast majority of you making use of the new card system that was asked for in 2020! Even had a good amount of members using Apple Pay and Google Pay, which is nice to see after spending ages getting it goingContinue reading “Renewing, field unavailabilty and items for sale”
Club Summer BBQ
Good Evening, The committee are extremely pleased to be able to announce the date of our first club social event since before the pandemic! We are really excited to finally be returning to some sort of normality, and are hoping you will join us in having a fun day in what has been a downbeatContinue reading “Club Summer BBQ”
Second UKCAA Event
Hi everyone, The committee have received a request from Martyn Kinder of the UK Classic Aerobatic Assc His request is : Would WMAC be prepared to help them out by allowing them to hold another flying meeting at Hanbury on Sunday September 26th the same format as they did on June 6th last. This group of vintageContinue reading “Second UKCAA Event”
Flying on Sunday 6th June
Good morning, I hope you’re all enjoying the sudden change of weather over the past week! A couple of updates on the flying fields for this Sunday for you this morning… Hanbury Hanbury will be closed to members on Sunday 6th June 2021, due to a pre-arranged UKCAA event happening. As we are having to limitContinue reading “Flying on Sunday 6th June”