A friendly club open for all ages and abilities
We are a very inclusive club, open welcoming people of all abilities into the club. We cater for drones (quad copters), helicopters, electric and IC (petrol and glow) fixed wing and gliders. The only model type we can’t cater for at our sites is jet, due to noise and site suitability.
The members here are always happy to help and advise one another, everyone is very friendly and always open for questions being asked. The WhatsApp group is a big part of this too if you’re not at the field.
A comprehensive online presence and website user account
The website got a major redesign and rewrite in 2020. We now have the ability to allow you to log in, book your flying sessions, edit your own details and contact other members. We have an online store, allowing you to renew your membership online and purchase merchandise. You can join the club forum on our website, see when the field was last mowed, and even post a classified advertisement.
You can also join our social links once you get your log in – we have a private WhatsApp members group chat, a Facebook ‘Like’ page, a private members only Facebook group, a WhatsApp group to connect you to trainers, Instagram and YouTube.
We also will be providing information on our events on our website, including booking tickets for our events online should the event require it.
We also have a Webmaster, who is also IT support, who is always on hand to help should you require it.
Well maintained sites
We have two fields included in your membership. Goosehill Meadow, which is mown regularly by a couple of the regular members, and Rushwick which is mowed by the landowner. We regularly arrange rolling of the fields, and we own a windsock at each site. We regularly ensure the fields are mown, and a dynamically updated notice board and some seating (coming soon) is available. Also, there is a notice board that is kept up to date at our each site.
We have free tuition for those wishing to join the club with no experience. This is based on availability, but we often have someone in the club who is free and able to train you to the standard you wish to achieve.
Club assets
We have assets at the club that you’ll benefit from. We have two ride-on mowers to maintain our fields with, two sites, a comprehensive and modern website and the funds to arrange events etc
Regular committee meetings and an AGM
We feel we are a very active and dynamic club. For instance, during the coronavirus pandemic the committee have been very vigilant on the rules and regularly ensuring we have plans to tackle any new advice the government throw at us.
The committee (a group of elected 7 members) regularly meet to discuss the club’s best interests and to implement small changes to make the club the best it can be. We have an annual AGM each December to discuss the larger topics for the club, and to elect the next years committee. Entry to this is, of course, free. We also hold EGM meetings should a decision require a membership vote. An example of an EGM was when we needed to purchase two new mowers and needed the membership to vote on if they agreed club funds should be spent on this.
All meeting minutes, from AGMs, EGMs and Committee meetings are available in the members section of the website.
BMFA Affiliation
From the BMFA website, the benefits you’ll benefit from are:
The BMFA offers a complete assurance package to promote and protect model flying in the UK and undertakes to represent all model fliers at the highest level. This includes negotiation with our national and local government departments, the Civil Aviation Authority, international bodies such as the FAI and CIAM, and a wide variety of aviation, sports and recreational bodies. By maintaining close contact with the authorities we maintain the model flyer’s status by achieving national recognition and self regulation.
The following services are also provided to affiliated clubs:
- Extensive insurance cover.
- Flying Site Planning and Protection.
- Instructor Scheme.
- Achievement Scheme.
- Education Programmes.
- Regular Club Information Bulletins.
- Advice, Assistance and Support whenever required on all aspects of model flying.
- Noise Assessments
- Provision of free information pamphlets on a wide variety of topics.
- Club Talks
Affiliated clubs benefit from £25M Third Party Civil Liability indemnity, the cover includes the following extensions The indemnity is extended to cover any liabilities arising from holding a model flying event, including club open days, fly-ins and public shows. Clubs should complete and return an Event and Public Show form from the office, upon receipt of the form a confirmation of cover letter is sent to the club. (Subject to approval)
Club indemnity is extended to cover first time visitors to a club who have no previous experience but are seeking to try out model flying prior to joining the BMFA and the Club. Indemnity under this First Time Inexperienced Flyer provision will only be in place when flights are being totally organised and supervised by a suitable club member approved by the Club Committee. The limit of this indemnity is 3 separate day visits for any single inexperienced flyer.
The only benefit we don’t use is the BMFA supplied web hosting, as we host our own website.
See more: https://bmfa.org/Clubs/Affiliation