Club Rules

Model fliers have a number of legal obligations set out in CAA publication CAP658 and the guidance contained within the BMFA Members’ Handbook is generally designed to ensure that if followed, members will comply with current requirements. 

WMAC is affiliated to the BMFA (number 0288) and therefore requires our members to adhere to both the BMFA guidelines and these Club specified rules:

  1. Always restrain your model, either by helper or by some sort of tail restraint before attempting to start your engine. Electric models must also be restrained once live.
  2. Never start engines, or activate motors, facing the pits. Face the flying area. Make sure your prop wash is not going in the direction of anyone.
  3. Always inform other pilots flying of your intentions (there may be someone on dead stick approach).
  4. Noise regulations will be in accordance with BMFA guidelines. The Rushwick site is noise sensitive, and models need to be tested to conform to 82db (or below) prior to the model being flown. Most electric models, apart from ducted fans, are excluded from this requirement as so far no electric model has failed this test.Engines must not be run for prolonged periods in the pits area.
  5. No more than 4 IC models to be in the air at one time.
  6. All pilots must produce BMFA insurance proof on request and CAA number.
  7. If you are flying over 250g of model of any kind, you must have purchased your CAA Operator ID license and be displaying this number on all aircraft over 250g. You must also inform the committee of your CAA Operator ID number.
  8. No unleashed dogs allowed in the field.
  9. The use of disposable BBQs, the smoking of cigarettes or lighting of fires is not permitted under any circumstances (due to fire risk).
  10. All litter and the remains of damaged models to be removed.
  11. No person to fly a model unless completely satisfied that it is safe to do so. This includes weather conditions as well as air worthiness. Note: under CAA rules, this responsibility rests with the pilot and you could be prosecuted for any failure to comply.
  12. Pilots must be in possession of a BMFA ‘A’ Certificate before flying solo, or be accompanied on the flying session with a qualified A Certified member AND hold a valid Provisional A Test (more info here)
  13. Guest fliers are welcome but only by prior consent of a committee member, must be accompanied by the inviting member at all times and must produce proof of insurance. A guest flyer may attend up to 3 times per year. The inviting member is responsible at all times for the guest and their behaviour.
  14. No games or horseplay on the field.
  15. A parent or legal guardian must supervise any vulnerable adult or person under eighteen at all times.
  16. Models larger than 50cc must be flown in front of 2 committee members before being flown solo unless already noise tested to BMFA guidelines using a club noise meter.
  17. Models must be flown within the areas designated on the notice boards at each site. No fly areas should be observed and no flying behind the pilot area.
  18. For those using 35MHz please refer to the separate section below.

Rules Applicable to the Use of 35MHz Radio

  1. There is no longer a peg board system in place at our sites due to the general adoption of 2.4GHz. 
  2. Do not switch your transmitter on without first checking if anyone else is on, or close to, your frequency.
  3. Inform other 35MHz members who are on your frequency when you have turned off your transmitter, and do not power it back up without authorisation from anyone else on your frequency.
  4. Do not hog the frequency or forget to authorise another member to use it. An orange pennant (35MHz) identifying your frequency number should be attached to your transmitter.

Guidance for Drone & Helicopter Flying

We do not consider helicopters and fixed wing models are compatible and, therefore, the club is unsuitable for helicopter only flyers. Those members that occasionally fly helicopters, as well as fixed wing, are asked to liaise with other flyers on site at the time and agree a 10 minute slot when only their helicopter will be flown. This system has been used in the past successfully. Drones fall into a similar category but are capable of being flown in the same manner as a fixed wing aircraft, and providing this is observed no clash should occur. Hovering in the runway area is unacceptable when fixed wing aircraft are being flown.

The below covid rules are currently NOT in operation. They are still displayed for reference from when they were enforced from 18 March 2020 – 25 February 2022, and for possible future reintroduction.
  1. EMERGENCY TEMPORARY COVID-19 RULE 1: All members must abide by the policy in it’s entirety put in place by the Committee, our landlords and the Government. This involves any booking in systems that are in place, cancelling bookings no longer needed, social distancing measures and limitations of use of the flying sites. You must keep up to date with the policy, as during these times the policy can evolve and change frequently. The policy can be found in full at
  2. EMERGENCY TEMPORARY COVID-19 RULE 2: You must tell a committee member if you have noticed symptoms of the Coronavirus, or tested positive with a PCR test or Lateral Flow, during your booked sessions where this could have been passed to other members. You must also not attend if you have tested positive, noticed symptoms or have been told to isolate.

Please bear in mind you sign these rules when you join the club. Any breaking of these rules is treated with the same severity as the rule that has been broken. This is for your safety and our future on the sites we occupy.