Renewing, field unavailabilty and items for sale

Good morning,

Renewals so far have been really good, and great to see the vast majority of you making use of the new card system that was asked for in 2020! Even had a good amount of members using Apple Pay and Google Pay, which is nice to see after spending ages getting it going this year. Just a reminder, if anyone does wish to pay via another method to please still use the website to make the initial order – the website tracks purchases on your profiles, so anyone who hasn’t done it via the website may find in February they can’t log in! I can do a manual override, it’s just a fair bit of effort to do, so please do remember to order via the website to make sure I don’t miss your payment and so forget the manual override! 

The field at Hanbury is also unavailable to use due to farmer shooting events on the following dates:

  • December 24th
  • January 8th
  • January 22nd

Also Clive has asked me to extend an offer from an ex-member of our club, Mel Lewis, of a few items he has for sale. He has been forced to cease model flying due to ill health. He’s not given specifics of what is for sale, but he used to fly fixed wing before moving onto helicopters and drones so he probably has a good selection of items. Please email Clive or Sam if you’re interested in seeing what he’s got, otherwise check your emails for this update to view Mel’s email address.

Thankfully we still have no restrictions in respect of the Omicron variant, just please keep booking in as you all are anyway and scanning the NHS codes if you’re using the app still. 

Happy Christmas!


Sam Booton

Membership Secretary, Treasurer & Webmaster