** This policy is currently not enforced as of March 2022. It remains as reference for the period it was enforced for, and for possible future reintroduction **
Alert Level:
None – The Government has now ended all restrictions previously set

Updated: 24th February 2022 by Sam Booton
Please read all of this policy to familiarise yourself, and regularly check for new updates. The policy is reviewed either monthly, or if restrictions/circumstances change
The model aircraft club take your safety very seriously during this pandemic
At the moment, we are following regulations from both HM Government and the BMFA, as well as our own common sense and our landlord’s guidance
Guidance is likely to change last minute, so please keep yourself up to date on this policy by regularly checking this page
The temporary rules are as follows:
- You must respect the social distancing rules set out by the Government
- You must tell the Committee if you are displaying any symptoms of the virus if you have been flying in the past two weeks prior to the day you notice the symptoms
- You must book your flying session in by logging into the club website and booking yourself in. Everyone is to book themselves in, in order to enable Test & Trace to function correctly
- Flying sessions are now AM or PM or All Day from 09:00am to Dusk. Please read the booking page for more information
- There is no limit on numbers of members who can book per session at the moment
- You must cancel unwanted bookings in order to assist with test and trace, as well as for fairness to the rest of the membership
- Guests are not permitted without prior permission from a Committee Member (see contact details page for more info on who to contact)
- Face masks and visors are not required due to flying being outdoors. If you feel more comfortable wearing one, that is fine
- Any sharing of equipment (aircraft, transmitters, phones, mowers, keys etc) must be wiped down between each person using them
- Anyone training must ensure equipment and models are sanitised before your instructor touches them. Equally, after your instructor has touched them the equipment is to be cleaned again before you touch them. It is your responsibility to bring along antibacterial cleaning products. The club does not provide a sanitation station
- Gloves are not a replacement for sanitisation. They carry viruses around just as much as hands, the only difference is wearing gloves you won’t ingest the virus once you remove your gloves to eat etc. They do not stop a spread of the Coronavirus
- Members are advised to bring antibacterial hand gel to regularly wash hands, as per the Government advice
- EMERGENCY TEMPORARY COVID-19 RULE 1: All members must abide by the policy in it’s entirety put in place by the Committee, our landlords and the Government. This involves any booking in systems that are in place, cancelling bookings no longer needed, social distancing measures and limitations of use of the flying sites. You must keep up to date with the policy, as during these times the policy can evolve and change frequently. The policy can be found in full at https://www.wmac.uk/covid
- EMERGENCY TEMPORARY COVID-19 RULE 2: You must tell a committee member if you have noticed symptoms of the Coronavirus, or tested positive with a PCR test or Lateral Flow, during your booked sessions where this could have been passed to other members. You must also not attend if you have tested positive, noticed symptoms or have been told to isolate.You must tell a committee member if you have noticed symptoms of the Coronavirus and you have been flying in the past two weeks
Test and Trace System
We partake in the NHS Test & Trace system, meaning your bookings to fly at the field are mandatory. Your data will be securely stored in our database so we can alert other flyers and the NHS if they’ve been in contact with members who’ve tested positive for COVID-19. Remember, you must alert the committee if you have symptoms
Please also try to download the NHS Test and Trace app, and check in to the flying sites when you visit by opening the app and scanning the provided QR code found at the fields. This is not a club rule as it is not the law for the flying club to partake, only for hospitality industry. However, it would be of huge help to the club and to the NHS if we all did our bit and checked in upon arrival to the fields.
Visit for help and more info on this from the club: https://www.wmac.uk/2020/09/23/wmac-the-nhs-test-and-trace-app/
Visit https://www.covid19.nhs.uk to find out how to download the app onto your Apple and Android devices.
For Apple devices, click here to download
For Android devices, click here to download
Online Booking System
For the email reminding members how to use the booking system and the rules, please visit https://wmac.uk/2020/10/05/acceptable-use-of-the-booking-system/
We will be reviewing the situation continuously and will keep in touch about any further changes to these rules. Updates will be posted here, on our Facebook page, on our Instagram page and via email (check your junk folder). Please constantly check for updates.
Please ensure you abide by all of these restrictions held within this policy in order to comply with the advice given to keep you safe, and to comply with the club rules. It is in Emergency Temporary Rule 24 and 25 of the Club Rules that these regulations are to be followed.
For NHS information, visit https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/
For Government information, visit https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus
To gain information on how to download the NHS Test and Trace app, visit https://www.covid19.nhs.uk
Any queries, or spot any concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact a committee member.
Thank you for bearing with us and for your understanding during this time.
Stay safe
Worcester Model Aero Club