The model aircraft club take your safety very seriously during this pandemic
At the moment, we are following regulations from both HM Government and the BMFA, as well as our own common sense and our landlord’s guidance
Currently, the temporary rules are as follows:
- You must respect the social distancing rules set out by the Government
- You must book your flying session in by logging into the club website and booking yourself in
- Flying sessions are now AM (10:00-13:00), PM (14:00-17:00) and EVE (18:00-21:00 electric only)
- You must not have more than 6 people per session
- Guests are not permitted without prior permission from a Committee Member (see contact details page for more info on who to contact)
We will keep reviewing the situation continuously and will keep in touch about any further changes to these rules. Updates will be posted here, on our Facebook page and via email.
Any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact a committee member.
Thank you for bearing with us and for your understanding during this time. Stay safe